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J - Runner V03 Core Pack

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by tolirawi1988 2020. 3. 1. 11:32


USB XSVF Player Initialized Xilinx Device. NOT DETECTEDThis is what it says after trying to start programming. The JRPv2 itself was reflashed at one point with PICFLASHE105-JRP-V2.HEX.

On free60's instructions (where they use a dev board with another Xilinx chip) they do seem to connect power to VCCio (pins 20 and 21) separately before even attaching the programming cable. Also, one PDF I found from xilinx.com says this:'VCCIO is not required for programming of the non-volatile memory of a CoolRunner-II. However, it is strongly recommended to power VCCIO during programming.

For the XC9500, XC9500XL, XC9500XV, and CoolRunner XPLA3 devices, VCCIO is required for configuration and programming'. USB XSVF Player Initialized Xilinx Device.

NOT DETECTEDThis is what it says after trying to start programming. The JRPv2 itself was reflashed at one point with PICFLASHE105-JRP-V2.HEX.

On free60's instructions (where they use a dev board with another Xilinx chip) they do seem to connect power to VCCio (pins 20 and 21) separately before even attaching the programming cable. Also, one PDF I found from xilinx.com says this:'VCCIO is not required for programming of the non-volatile memory of a CoolRunner-II. However, it is strongly recommended to power VCCIO during programming. For the XC9500, XC9500XL, XC9500XV, and CoolRunner XPLA3 devices, VCCIO is required for configuration and programming'. Click to expand.Yeah pretty much this.Also, right now the chip is connected to the console and it still couldn't be programmed, I just get this every time from J-Runner: USB XSVF Player Initialized Xilinx Device. NOT DETECTED(A LED quickly blinks once on the JRP once when it does this.)However the glitcher is certainly doing something.

After powering on the Xbox it doesn't boot (not even after several minutes) but the fan speed changes now and then. I guess that's the glitcher resetting the console? Ok, with a parallel port programming cable just built here (schematics from ) the chip does at least get detected correctly as a XC2C128 in Xilinx iMPACT! Erasing the chip works, but playing a XSVF file from pack I linked to earlier doesn't. It fails every time at the same point (58%). Also, the box does the fan slow down / speed up thing I described earlier even with a blank glitch chip so I guess it was the SMC or something else resetting it then.J-Runner just crashes on the old laptop when trying to program the glitch chip via LPT (Windows says 'LPTXSVFPlayer.exe' has crashed).

Ok, with a parallel port programming cable just built here (schematics from ) the chip does at least get detected correctly as a XC2C128 in Xilinx iMPACT! Erasing the chip works, but playing a XSVF file from pack I linked to earlier doesn't. It fails every time at the same point (58%). Also, the box does the fan slow down / speed up thing I described earlier even with a blank glitch chip so I guess it was the SMC or something else resetting it then.J-Runner just crashes on the old laptop when trying to program the glitch chip via LPT (Windows says 'LPTXSVFPlayer.exe' has crashed). Problem is, a guaranteed to be genuine J-R Programmer v2 shipped to Finland from Modchipcentral (official TX reseller) costs almost 100 Canadian dollars (=about 70 euros). The programmer itself is reasonably priced but the shipping fees totally make this option undesirable.

J - runner v03 core package

So if anything, I'd rather buy a premodded box which can be had for 100 euros.But I'm not going to give up just yet on programming the chip via parallel port.EDIT: Also, I don't think the programmer is completely borked because I did manage to make a good (4x) flash dump with it. Also, we checked with a multimeter and there is at least some activity on the JTAG I/O pins when J-Runner is trying to detect the Xilinx chip (which fails). Tried another laptop, on this one J-Runner doesn't crash when using LPT programming mode. Instead, it gives a TDO mismatch error. The line XSVF line number where it errors out changes slightly every time and is also dependent on whether the ACE gets power from the Xbox as well or only from the programming cable.

So I suspect the cable is bad, will have to try again when we have proper parts for it (or maybe I'll buy a premade programming cable from somewhere, those don't cost nearly as much as another JRP or a NAND-X). Tried another laptop, on this one J-Runner doesn't crash when using LPT programming mode.

Instead, it gives a TDO mismatch error. The line XSVF line number where it errors out changes slightly every time and is also dependent on whether the ACE gets power from the Xbox as well or only from the programming cable. So I suspect the cable is bad, will have to try again when we have proper parts for it (or maybe I'll buy a premade programming cable from somewhere, those don't cost nearly as much as another JRP or a NAND-X). Here somebody programs a ACE v1 chip using LPT programming in Xilinx Impact successfully.

He seems to write a JED file to the chip first before using the XSVF. Anybody know where to get these JED files for ACEv3?And yeah, the chip might be broken too (still can't program it with a slightly better made LPT cable) but I'd still like to try everything possible before getting a new one.

Spending some more time on this isn't a problem but I'd rather not spend any more money if possible (maybe the seller would agree to send a new one for free if the chip is provably broken but I dunno).I don't use facebook and TeamX360 is unfortunately down. Indeed, this page links to there for programming instructions. Web.archive.org doesn't help either.EDIT:Can someone describe how the ACEv3 is supposed to behave when it's installed in a Trinity box WITHOUT reprogramming first?

J - Runner V03 Core Pack

Weekend Modder J Runner

Is it supposed to still boot the console but very slowly? (we did wait a few minutes) Should the led on the center of the Xbox power button be flashing red and green or only green when it's trying to boot? (here it was flashing green only)EDIT 2:Also, can someone post an installation diagram for ACEv3 on Trinity? We seriously could not find even one working link to a picture with it so we had to go by a Youtube video, this one specifically.

J - Runner V0 3 Core Pack 10

Click to expand.Well, like I said, I don't even have a FB account currently and would prefer not to make one. Thanks for the files, will try those later. Photo / diagram of a working ACEv3 install on Trinity would still be appreciated so we can doublecheck the wiring. Also useful would be information on what's exactly supposed to happen when the chip is installed in a Trinity without reprogramming (we did this after JRPv2 failed to detect the chip at all but before erasing and trying to reprogram via LPT). This would help to diagnose whether the ACE is broken.(also I'm not an admin or moderator here but I'd imagine there's no problem with sharing JED/XSVF files since they don't contain anything Microsoft owns rights to, SMC/NAND images on the other hand may contain MS code). Well, like I said, I don't even have a FB account currently and would prefer not to make one. Thanks for the files, will try those later.

J - Runner V0 3 Core Pack Free

Photo / diagram of a working ACEv3 install on Trinity would still be appreciated so we can doublecheck the wiring. Also useful would be information on what's exactly supposed to happen when the chip is installed in a Trinity without reprogramming (we did this after JRPv2 failed to detect the chip at all but before erasing and trying to reprogram via LPT). This would help to diagnose whether the ACE is broken.(also I'm not an admin or moderator here but I'd imagine there's no problem with sharing JED/XSVF files since they don't contain anything Microsoft owns rights to, SMC/NAND images on the other hand may contain MS code).