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Winview Chrome

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by tolirawi1988 2020. 2. 27. 10:47


Welcome to WindowView Introduction pages:Scientific documented evidence reveals your life is special, unique, on purpose, and ultimately the evidence supports the fact you are not here by chance. Science now has that data!Scriptural documentation reveals an eternal future for all life in a holistic context. Ancient texts in Hebrew and Greek—and only these—are core data that is interlinked, complex, and sufficiently specific to tell us what lies ahead. Many refue to believe, but it's the data and we need to follow the evidence to where it takes us!Three core databases -from science, to change, to Scripture-support the conclusion that appears within the window's framework. What is the Truth for Human Life on EarthThe WindowView is a soft apologetic, that is, the information here is a 'gentle' defense of faith and reason based on science and Scripture.

Ease into the window's vantage points on change, science, and the harmony and all unique perspectives will merge.To those who have never read the Bible, there is news and information with specificity for today.To those who have not looked closely at what scientific information really shows, there is an awakening yet to be discovered in the awesome complexity and the known evidence for origins to life on earth.We blindside ourselves by assumptions and opinions others keep pushing. But what if you look closer at the information for what it reveals?What will you see when you follow where the evidence leads us?How? Simply scan the main menu above and visit the various sections of the window.We ALL are Headed to a Major Event HorizonThe evidence comes from multiple perspectives and this Window Is a View to that horion!

Follow the evidence where it leads and discern truths that you have missed and others have distracted you from. Away from the ultimate realiation. Life is unique, complex, reflecting a design and specificity that says: 'You are not here by cance!' And yet time grows short, so come nowto the real truth of why you have life and are alive today. And what you need to discover about time and time eternal. Beginning August 2013 the format of WindowView web pages was given a complete update.

What you see is the result of hundreds of hours of webmaster work with new color, page styles, menu updates, and new navigation aids.The update process continues in addition and revision of various pages throughout the site. This work will incorporate added source material that supports the scenarios, thesis concepts, and overall premise as described in the Convergence area.We recommend repeat visits, there is always new content to add, new books to recommend, and new evidence to fill in the larger WindowView.Send us a comment, tell a friend, use the links on the footer of any page throughout the web site!Donations to WindowView go toward supporting production and web hosting.Thank you for your support!We hope that your mind is refreshed, challenged, and renewed by what you see here. If not for now for eternity and as a blessing to you.01/15/15. OUR FINE PRINT: The Window View is presented as an organization (.org) based on its registered Internet address.

Individuals contributing to the development of this Internet site constitute the organization (started in May 2000), including the Director and Window View Associates. Note that content on many of our pages was previously posted on the Internet with a site entitled 'WindowView.'

Windview Homeowners Association Inc

The presence of this content goes back to the mid 90s.We consider originalwritings presented here as copyrighted (where appropriate) and are freely available to all who simply link to ourpages.if you needfurther information to identify specific page links. At no time do we approveof other sites copying WindowView pages and applying a third party copyrightto works here identified as copyrighted by WindowView.org.Using a link toour web pages assures your referral is to the latest and most up to date versionof our presentations. Our directory structures will be retained over time and thus links will not be broken.Writings by authorsattributed to other sources are presented by permission and may or may notexpress the opinions, goals, and positions supported by WindowView.org. Their works are copyrighted as indicated in each feature article.Links to outside authors are presented with their work.Window View ispresented as a learning resource for your consideration and benefit. Requests,questions, and comments regarding this Web site can be forwarded via the web form (or the e-mailaddress, if listed) on the Page.Please note, WindowView.org is not affiliated with any other entity using the name Window View, including the persons and content found at other Internet addresses (i.e., windowview.com, or other similar dot address).

One exception is the addition of windowview.net that has been adopted as a sister URL and will be maintained until further notice. The WindowView logo is a link back to our home page.Every page has a footer that lists 'Page Map' which is a link to the WindowView site directory.The footer menu 'Search' option allows you to do a Google search of just WindowView.Due to differences in browsers, especially with regard to video formats, we have provided pages with HTML5 coding designed to bring up browser specific video formats. If you have an older browser, you may need to update to a newer version.This web site is optimized for Apple's Safari or Google's Chrome web browsers.Firefox and Opera are capable of using alternate video formats,as provided, but viewing may not be as optimal as with Safari or Chrome.Viewing with older versions of Internet Explorer (versions 7 and older) may result in various inconsistencies and we recommend using a newer version or the recommended browsers other than IE. WindowView.org was registered and web pages were first posted to the Internet in 1997. For about 10 years we posted a listing of site improvements.

Winview Chrome

While this listing is no longer here, the web pages have experienced several major updates in format and content.Older pages that are of value can be found in our Archive Area (see our ). However, archived pages may contain outdated thematic content. For example, in earlier phases the WindowView emphasized the concept of 'new paradigm.' This emphasis is still of some value, but now has been replaced by a perspective now focused on the theme of 'Science and Scripture in Harmony.'


SAN FRANCISCO, April 19, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - Basketball fans around the country are watching the NBA Playoffs on TV. But as each team battles on the court to see who plays the game best, WinView is letting fans battle from home to prove who knows the game best.

This year, the fan is the sports hero, playing along live while watching the game on TV. It’s the ultimate test of Sports IQ: answering live predictions in real-time and competing against other fans for the ultimate prize: bragging rights and real money.Sports Fans Can Cash In on Their Sports IQ With Play Along Live Interactive TV Experience Competing In WinView’s $20K NBA Playoffs Round-by-Round Showdown TournamentWinView, Inc. , the nation’s leading skill-based sports prediction mobile games platform, is pitting fans from the Eastern and Western conferences against each other not only to see which conference fans are better, but also to determine the most knowledgeable NBA fan in America. The mobile app is setting the stage through a $20K NBA Playoffs Round-by-Round Showdown Tournament. Fans compete to correctly answer approximately 20 in-game questions sent from WinView’s live producers to the app during each quarter-long contest, such as: “Will Cleveland make more 3’s than Indiana this quarter?”, “Which team will record the next blocked shot or steal?” Or, “Will the Beard outscore the Chef in the 4th quarter?” Just like basketball, whoever racks up the most points wins the top prize.Similar to the NBA Playoffs, WinView’s $20K Round-by-Round Showdown consists of four legs, culminating into a $10K finals main event.


The first 3 legs of WinView’s Showdown total $10K in cash prizes with each round being its own tournament, providing plenty of opportunities for fans to get in on the action.WinView’s $10K Showdown Finals Main Event takes the Top 100 WinView players with an Eastern Conference team affiliation and the Top 100 WinView players with a Western Conference team affiliation. It’s conference vs conference to determine East vs West supremacy and every player for themselves to determine the top NBA fan in the country.WinView Executive Chairman, Tom Rogers, said, “82 games may be over, but the main event is just beginning.

It’s time for NBA hoops fans to shine and get even closer to the game. WinView picks up where fantasy leaves off. It’s about rivalry, sports IQ and live competition that produces a thrilling adrenaline rush. Every round of our $20K Showdown brings a new main event, and with it, a larger prize pool. Even if fans make the cut by qualifying for the big tournament, there are still plenty of smaller contests each and every day to earn real cash where each quarter is a new opportunity. The battle for the most knowledgeable NBA fan starts now.”. WinView CEO, Eric Vaughn added, “If you like HQ Trivia, you’re gonna love WinView.

If you watch a lot of sports, enjoy the flow of the game, and feel like you can predict what’s about to happen, then WinView is perfect for you. It’s the new way to watch live sports, win cash and talk trash. Our players consistently tell us, ‘Because of WinView, I’ve fallen back in love with basketball, baseball, what have you. Every play is amplified.’ WinView connects you to the game on TV like never before. It’s more interactive, more engaging and more fun, satisfying the competitive nature in all of us.”ADDITIONAL $20K SHOWDOWN TOURNAMENT DETAILSThe WinView $10K Finals Main Event will consist of 200 qualifiers divided into two $5K tournaments, pitting Eastern conference and Western conference team affiliations.

The top 100 in each conference will compete for the following payout structure with the first elimination game of the series being the main event:. 1st: $2,000. 2nd: $1,000. 3rd: $500. 4th-5th: $250. 6th-7th: $200.

8th-10th: $100. 11th-16th: $50For the WinView $10K 1st through 3rd round tournaments, the top 100 qualifying players each round will compete in a mini-main event. Round 1 prize pool is $2,000. Round 2 prize pool is $3,000. Round 3 prize pool is $5,000.

Payout percentage is similar to the main event.To participate in WinView’s $20K NBA Round-by-Round Showdown, download the WinView Games app on iOS or Android, or mobile play on Android Chrome browser. Enter paid contests throughout the playoffs. WinView’s paid contests, which are legal to play in 36 U.S.

States, range from $2 to $100 in entry fees, where users compete against sports fans in contests ranging from 6 to 25 players. WinView’s free entry contests offer smaller prize pools and are legal to play in all 50 states. About WinView, Inc.WinView, Inc. Is a Silicon Valley and New York based company that is focused on paid entry, mobile two-screen synchronized televised sports games of skill in the U.S.

The Company plans to leverage its extensive experience in pioneering real-time interactive television games played on the mobile second screen, its foundational patents and unique business model. The WinView app is an end-to-end two-screen TV synchronization platform for both television programming and commercials. The paid entry, skill-based WinView Games app uniquely enhances TV viewing enjoyment and rewards sports fans with prizes as they answer in-game questions while competing with friends in real-time during live televised sports.

These games of skill are legal in 36 states. For more information, please visit.Media Contact InfoBusiness: Whit Clay, Sloane & CompanyT: 212-446-1864M: 917-601-6012Corporate: Anthony Giombetti, WinViewT: 818-821-7530A photo accompanying this announcement is available at.